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Ms Lisa Viscuña

M.Ed. (Curriculum) with Distinction| B.Ed. (Educational Administration) First ClassHonours| Practitioner’s Certification in Drama / Theatre in Education with Distinction
| Literacy and Numeracy Skills

September 12, 2023


Ms Lisa Viscuña is an indomitable force within the hallowed halls of LPKReading Literacy, celebrated for her unwavering commitment to the advancement of literacy and the cultivation of innovative educational practices. With a distinguished academic pedigree and a wealth of professional experience, she stands as a venerable figure in the realms of educational philosophy and

Educational Odyssey

Ms Lisa Viscuña  academic journey commenced at the prestigious University of West Indies, Trinidad, where she earned her Master of Education with Distinction, specializing in Curriculum. This exceptional achievement underscores her fervent dedication to shaping educational paradigms and nurturing the seeds of knowledge.
Continuing her academic voyage, she attained a Bachelor of Education with First Class Honours, focusing on Educational Administration. This remarkable accomplishment signifies her unwavering commitment to effective educational leadership and administration.

Furthermore, Ms Lisa Viscuña holds a Practitioner’s Certification in Drama / Theatre in Education, adorned with the distinction that characterizes her relentless pursuit of excellence.

A Multifaceted Skill Set

Ms Lisa Viscuña possesses a diverse skill set that encompasses literacy and numeracy proficiency, creative ingenuity, visionary leadership, meticulous organization, adept problem-solving capabilities, and an innate talent for fostering collaboration and teamwork. Her dynamic skill repertoire serves as a testament to her versatility and capability to address multifaceted challenges.

Educational Leadership

A former Principal, Ms Lisa Viscuña has navigated the intricate landscape of educational leadership with consummate expertise. Her tenure as the President-Elect of the Trinidad and Tobago Reading Association (T.T.R.A) and her current role as the Recording Secretary for TTRA bear testimony to her esteemed position within the educational community.

A Read Aloud Specialist

Ms Lisa Viscuña is a distinguished Read Aloud Specialist, possessing a unique talent for kindling the flames of literacy in eager minds. Her ability to bring stories to life through enchanting narration is a testament to her passion for fostering a love of reading and literacy to little boys and girls around the world.

Educational Philosophy

Her educational philosophy embodies the essence of her passion for learning and her unwavering commitment to the advancement of society through literacy and
education. She ardently believes that education should be a transformative journey that empowers individuals to unlock their full potential. Ms Lisa Viscuña champions a learner-centric approach, prioritizing personalized learning and holistic development. Her resolute advocacy for inclusive education serves as a testament to her dedication to ensuring that every student, regardless of their abilities or challenges, has equitable access to high-quality education. Her notable
contributions to the field of education resonate with her deep-seated commitment to fostering inclusive learning environments.

Passion and Mission

Ms Lisa Viscuña exudes an unshakable passion for her mission within LPKReading Literacy. Her vision extends to the eradication of illiteracy and the nurturing of a culture of perpetual learning and reading. She firmly believes that literacy is the cornerstone of personal and societal growth. Within LPKReading Literacy, Ms Lisa Viscuña dedicates herself to crafting innovative literacy programs, designing transformative curricula, and developing educational resources tailored to the diverse needs of learners. Her aspiration is to instill a profound love for reading and nurture language development in individuals across all age groups and backgrounds.

She envisions a future where every individual possesses the tools and opportunities to unlock their fullest potential through literacy. Her unwavering commitment to this cause, fortified by her extensive knowledge and experience, renders her an invaluable asset to LPKReading Literacy and a radiant beacon of hope for the broader educational community.