Ms Ceronne Prevatt

Master of Philosophy in Education |Diploma in Special Education |

Masters of Arts in Curriculum Development |
Certified Guidance Counselor | Education Philosopher


Ms.Prevatt is a distinguished luminary in the field of education, widely recognized for her unwavering dedication to advancing literacy and educational
practices. With a rich academic background and extensive professional
experience, Ms. Prevatt has become an inspirational figure in the realm of
educational philosophy and leadership and at LPKReading Literacy.

Educational Pursuits

Ms.Prevatt embarked on her academic journey at the esteemed University of the West Indies, Trinidad, where she attained a B.A. Hons. and a Diploma in Education. This laid the foundation for her lifelong commitment to understanding and enhancing educational practices.

Her relentless pursuit of knowledge led her to the University of London, Institute
of Education, UK, where she obtained a Master of Arts with a specialization in
Curriculum Development, particularly in the domains of English and Reading.
This academic pursuit exemplifies her dedication to the holistic development of
students through innovative curriculum design.

Further honing her expertise, Ms. Prevatt pursued a Diploma in Special Education from the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom, and Master of Philosophy Studies in Education at the University of the West Indies, demonstrating her commitment to inclusive and specialized education.

Professional Accolades

In addition to her academic laurels, Ms. Prevatt has been certified in Guidance
and Counselling, reflecting her deep commitment to the socio-emotional
well-being of students and the broader educational community.

She served as President and Vice President of the Trinidad and Tobago Reading
Association (TTRA), playing pivotal roles in advancing literacy initiatives
within the country. Furthermore, Ms. Prevatt has had the distinct honor of
chairing the International Development in the Caribbean Division of the
International Reading Association (IRA), signifying her international impact in
the realm of literacy.

Her influence extends beyond organizational roles, as Ms. Prevatt has been a valued Resource Person for the International Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development. Through this role, she has contributed significantly to the global discourse on educational leadership and curriculum development.

Educational Philosophy

Ms.Prevatt’s educational philosophy is a testament to her passion for learning and the betterment of society through literacy and education. She believes that
education should be a transformative experience that empowers individuals to
realize their full potential. Ms. Prevatt advocates for a student-centered
approach, emphasizing personalized learning and holistic development.

She is a staunch advocate for inclusive education, ensuring that every student,
regardless of their abilities or challenges, has equal access to quality education. Her work in special education reflects her unwavering commitment to creating inclusive learning environments.

Passion and Mission

Ms.Prevatt is passionate about her mission with LPKReading Literacy. Her vision is to eradicate illiteracy and promote a culture of reading and lifelong learning.
LPKReading Literacy believes that literacy is the cornerstone of personal and
societal growth.

The mission with LPKReading Literacy is to create innovative literacy programs,
curriculum designs, and educational resources that cater to the diverse needs
of learners. They aspire to encourage a love for reading and language development in individuals of all ages and backgrounds.

Ms. Prevatt envisions a future where every individual has the tools and opportunities to unlock her/his full potential through literacy. Her dedication to this cause, coupled with her extensive knowledge and experience, makes Ms. Prevatt an invaluable asset to the organization and a beacon of hope for the broader educational community.