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Consider When Teaching Reading:
Your Visionary Roadmap

Questions to Consider When Teaching Reading to Developing Children and Children with Reading Disabilities

October 25, 2023

I Want to Teach Reading!

Teaching children to read is a noble and vital task. While the journey of teaching reading to developing children is a joyful endeavor, it can become more complex and challenging when it involves children with reading disabilities. But that’s okay, in this article, we will explore the questions loving educators and caregivers must ask themselves when undertaking the rewarding journey of teaching reading to developing children and those with reading disabilities.

Understanding Reading Development

Before we discuss the visionary questions, it's essential to grasp the foundational concepts of reading development. The process of learning to read can be dissected into five pillars: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension. These pillars form the basis of effective reading instruction and should guide your approach when working with developing children and those facing reading challenges.

Child-Specific Questions:

1. What is the child's age?

2. What is the child's reading level and current reading skills?

3. Have they been formally diagnosed with a reading disability, such as dyslexia?

4. Do they have any other learning disabilities or challenges (e.g., ADHD, speech difficulties)?

5. What are the child's interests and strengths that can be leveraged during teaching?

6. Have they received any previous reading instruction, andif so, what approaches were used?

7. What is the child's preferred learning style (visual,auditory, kinesthetic)?

Content and Instruction Questions:

8. What are the five pillars of reading (Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, Comprehension) and how do they interrelate?

9. Do you have a structured reading program or curriculum inmind?

10. What specific reading strategies and interventions aremost effective for children with reading disabilities?

11. How can you adapt teaching methods to suit the child'slearning needs?

12. What assessments or progress monitoring tools will you use to evaluate the child's growth?


Resource and Environment Questions:

13. What materials, books, or digital resources are available for teaching reading effectively?

14. What assistive technology or tools can be used to support the child's learning?

15. Is there a quiet and focused learning environment for the child during lessons?

16. Are there any learning aids or manipulatives you plan touse in your teaching?

Parents and Support System Questions:

17. What role do the child's parents or guardians play intheir learning journey?

18. Are there specific strategies or techniques you can recommend for parents to support the child's reading at home?

19. Do the parents have any concerns, expectations, or goals related to their child's reading development?

20. Is there a plan for communication between you, the child, and their parents to ensure consistency in teaching strategies?

Personal Development and Continuous Learning:

21. What professional development or training have you undergone to effectively teach children with reading disabilities?

22. Are you staying updated with the latest research and practices in teaching reading to children with disabilities?

23. How will you adapt and modify your teaching methods as you learn more about the child's needs and progress?


Teaching a child with a reading disability the five pillars of reading is an honorable and weighty task. The journey may seem challenging, but with the right approach, you can make a profound impact on a child's life. It begins with gathering information and conducting assessments, steps that form the bedrock of tailored instruction.

Through this process, you'll come to appreciate the uniqueness of each child and the path. Remember, it's not just about teaching them to read; it's about instilling in them a love for reading, a skill that will open doors and broaden horizons.

We're here to support you at every turn of this journey. LPKReading Literacy is committed to providing you with the tools, strategies, and knowledge necessary to make a difference in a child's life. By understanding the child's specific needs and aligning your instruction with the five pillars of reading, you can help them embark on a lifelong adventure through the written word. So, let's take this first step together, to empower these young minds with the gift of reading.

Remember that every child is unique, and it may take time to identify the most effective teaching strategies. Being patient, flexible, and open to collaboration with parents and specialists will be crucial in providing the best support for a child with a reading disability.

Further References